NCYC 2015

December 11, 2015

NCYC 2015

phph3OsDWAMThe National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) 2015 was an  experience designed for youth around the country to be enlightened and learn more about themselves and their faith.

NCYC is unique in  that it is a community of young people who all share similar beliefs and want to come together to celebrate these beliefs and learn more about them.

php7bLcG8AM“NCYC was awesome! This experience was even more enjoyable for me as it was my second time attending. Because I had attended this conference two years earlier, I was already familiar with the setting and schedule which allowed me to fully take part in the conference. The great speakers and musicians really inspired me to be proud and excited about my Catholic faith. Being a part of such a great Winona group also made this trip so much more fun!“,  Cotter junior Jane Koll said. 

“NCYC was nice because it was cool to experience different forms of worship with other young people like us. I really liked meeting people from all over the United States.” –Beth Parlinphp5OzZVEAM

“I really liked all the music during NCYC, especially all the music at Lucas Oil because everyone participates. This was my 2nd time at NCYC and both times after the conference was over, I felt kind of empty because you’re a different person at NCYC and I long for that feeling of completeness again because i’ve never felt it anywhere else. NCYC is also really nice because nobody judges you. Everyone’s there for the same reason as you and nobody cares what you look like or how good or bad you sing, or wether you’re a devoted catholic or seeking God. It’s the most non-judgementalist place i’ve ever been in my life.” –Connor Hagarty

“NCYC was awesome and a very sweet experience.” –Jake French


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