Cotter contributes to 10 Days of Giving campaign

Olivia Blumers

Ellie Glodowski donating cash to 10 Days of Giving.

December 1st kicked off the annual Winona community  10 Days of Giving, organized by Merchants Bank. Cotter students are invited to bring nonperishable food items to donate in the bins.

To make donating more fun, the student council made it a contest between grades 9-12.

The contest will go until the 10th of December and the winning grade will win a donut party during flex class.

Freshman had 348 items $174.

Seniors with 53 items and $65.

Juniors 31 items and $69.

Sophomores 85 items and $12.



Seniors Ali French and Maddy McConville donating food for extra credit.
Barrels for the 10 Days of Giving line the first fall hallway in the St. Joseph building