Last year I was looking to purchase some new tip up rigs before ice covered the Winona area, I searched loads of outfitter establishments for the top of the line models.
Then when I was making my way through Amazon, I remembered the names of my grandpas tip ups he used when I was just a kid. Every winter we set them up on a hole, two rigs per person.
Once they were set up you would just watch for the end flag to pop up and within a second one of you would be fighting the fish in a tug-o-war beneath the ice.
The brand grandpa owned were Beaver Dams rail tip ups that today cost from $40-$60 each, but believe me the price is worth the performance they bring to the ice.
“It’s an insulated, round tip-up that will make this kind of ice fishing much easier and convenient than a tip-up that will allow a hole to freeze over. I’m proud to own one and I will continuously brag about it. Is it worth $60? Well, that’s questionable, but it’s worth more than most,” Cyle Green said.
By comparing the Beaver Dam product to other brands in this price ranger, it’s worth it. Especially if you have had to deal with a tip-up breaking when you’re a mile out on the lake.
Lets just say a little tape does not hold down a 25 pound Northern when it pulls the busted tip up through the auger hole. The worst thing about it as rare as it happens it takes a big tug on the line for the clip to release, so that fish will be down there swallowing the treble hook that you will be digging out later.
Still Beaver Dams is by far the best brand I’ve come in contact with so far and it really can get the job done no matter the fisherma