Urban Plunge provides valuable experience
Cotter students who participated in the most recent Urban Plunge.
“It’s an experience I’ll never forget!,” Grace Renk, a Cotter 9th graded said, referring to the Urban Plunge trip in January.
Twice a year Cotter students have the opportunity to take a weekend trip to volunteer to help communities in need. On an Urban Plunge students help sort clothing, pick up trash, and pack meals for Feed my Starving Children. Students also reflect while on the trip through writing.
“It helped me see how in need the other communities were compared to Winona. I was shocked when we first pulled up at how different everything was,” junior Cole Ebertowski said.
These trips can be eye opening experiences for many of the students who choose to participate. Cotter religion teacher Marisa Corcoran is the lead organizer of these trips. Students receive service hours for the trip, but the purpose of the trip is to let students see new experiences, afford them an opportunity to learn from and help others, and develop deeper bonds with each other.
Urban plunges and summer mission trips are an important part of the Cotter faith experience.
“Originally I was mostly focused on getting more service hours, but it turned out to be a great experience that I shared with my friends,” sophomore Allie French said.
While the spring plunge has been postponed to the quarantine, the program hopes to return when the shelter in place orders are rescinded.