Senior recital showcases Graff’s talents
Viva Graff performing the “Two Hand Reel” with her fellow irish dancer, Sydney McMahon.
Viva Graff performed her senior recital at the St. Cecelia Theatre at the Cotter Campus on Saturday, January 18.
Her program was both diverse and unique as it featured all of her different talents.
Throughout the course of the night, she tap danced, played piano, bassoon, and bari saxophone, sang, and Irish danced (both hard-shoe and soft-shoe).
She also invited several different groups to perform alongside her. These included the Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts tappers, Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts Irish dancers, saxophone players from Cotter’s marching band, singers from the Cotter show choir group “Divas,” members of the Cotter jazz band, and even her tennis coach. She purposely included many of her classmates and friends as “it felt very representative of what I do.”
The night was very successful for Viva Graff, and she received a standing ovation from the audience members at the end of the show.