RA profile: Katie Brazil:

The Cotter Residence Center (CRC) has a number of new Resident Assitants (RAs)  this year.  The Chronicle will be introducing you to them over the next few weeks.  Staff writer Zhuowei (Helen) Han had the chance to interview Katie Brazil, a first-year RA, here’s what Katie had to say:

Where did you grow up?

“I grew up in Crystal, Minn., .and I have 4 younger brothers, so we kind of have a big family. They are kind of spread out in age. One is 21 and the youngest is now 8. They are good guys.” “I attended college in Winona and earned my degree in education.”

How did you hear about the job at Cotter and why did you apply?

I went to college here and I always wanted to get back. Since my degree is in education,  I heard a job was open here and applied.  I met Marie, and  she showed me how the residence program works. I am also subbing at Cotter, I was in Chemistry the first week, then moved to a  math classroom.”

What other sorts of work experiences have you had?

“I worked at a  YMCA program for kids come in summer, we took kids on  3 day  field trips, it was sort of like summer school, with middle school children, I really enjoyed that. It has hard sometimes, there were only four adults supervising a large group of kids.”

What are some of your interests and hobbies?

“I am a huge volleyball player, I have been playing  all my life.  I am currently coaching the Cotter’s 7th grade team,  we won our first match.  I also like tennis. I like to bake cakes, they don’t always taste that great, but I like decorating.

Do you have any future plans or goals?

I would like to be a teacher in social studies, or maybe science, but social studies is my preference  We just bought a house and working on it, trying to get our lawn to grow well.  Someday I would like to go back to school and get my masters degree in education.

How is the job of RA going so far? What are the best parts? What are the


“So far it. is going really well, the best part is interacting with kids. I like meeting new people and enjoy just getting hang out and experience these students.   The difficult part so far is learning all the names, and driving, which I don’t mind, but there’s just lots of it. The one thing I want to start getting into is to plan floor activities and have something fun for kids at the dorm to do.”

As a staff or as an individual RA do you have goals for the year?  What would you  like to see happen in the Residence Center this year?

“I would love to see more activities that bring everybody from Cotter  together, kind of like how we have the BBQs, everybody gets together and gets to know each other, because it’s scary, when you come to another county and you don’t know people. Some kids are familiar with the dorm and their floor, and have been here for a couple of years and made friends, but fit can be more difficult and lonely for the new students.

I would like to see everybody getting great grades, for the most part our students do really well. I also want to help kids communicate with each other and everyone at the school. I definitely  want to see more people getting  involved, I just want them to feel like having fun and making connections.”

What is your favorite animal?

“l am a really big fan of horses,they are such  beautiful creatures, and I ‘m afraid of bugs, especially grasshoppers.”

What did you do this summer?

“Well, my biggest task this summer was moving to Winona on July 1, started working at Cotter, bought  a house, did lots of yard works, went to a bunch of weddings, I have lots lots of friends getting married now.”

What season do you like most?

Fall, it’s so beautiful, cool, not cold, then summer, because I love being outside and playing  volleyball.”

Do you have any final thoughts or advice for kids?

“I would tell students to put school work first, make a strong effort to take advantage of the things that are available to you at school and in the community.  You will always regret things  after you have missed them, so join as much as possible,, say yes more than no.  Also in life, try  new things!”