Tis’ the Season of Destruction

Tyler Nactigal, Junior, making some moves on his opponent last season in 2017.

The season of giving is approaching, as well as the season of destroying–aka wrestling season.

The Winona Winhawk wrestling team is prepared for another year.  Two Cotter studenst, junior Tyler Nachtiga and sophomore Zander Rusert.

Nachtigal, who has been wrestling for 7, is a role model for his fellow teammates. His greatest accomplishment, besides cuffing Jordan Rubie for the 2nd time, is wrestling on the Minnesota National Duel Team.

Though the goal of wrestling is to wear your opponent down, sometimes the sport itself wears you down instead. Tyler and Zander both agree that conditioning during practice is definitely a challenge, but helps them a lot in the long-run.

Though competing for WSHS on a co-op team, Tyler and Zander try to represent Cotter in the best way possible, showing up to meets with a smile on their face and Jesus in their hearts.

“I just try to wrestle my best and demonstrate the values Cotter has taught me,” Nachtigal said.

“The team is like one big family. My wrestling teammates are some of my best friends in and out of the season, even though they go to a different school.”

Both wrestlers hope to place at State this year at season’s end.

The wrestling team had a phenomenal win this Thursday, with both JV and Varsity earning victories.

You can watch Nachtigal and Rusert rock the singlet for their next home meet on Thursday, January 10, at 4:30 & 5:30pm in the Winona Senior High School Gym.